" Be not ashamed of mistakes and thus make them crimes." Confucius
This may come as a great surprise... but I'm far from being perfect! LOL
I've discovered that when I make mistakes, no consequence is more difficult to endure than the negative talk that goes on within. A simple human error becomes an inner dialog in which all the things I feel inadequate about are brought to light and presented... my failure being the proof of it all.
Forgiving myself for making mistakes is something that I am working on, so I knew that I wanted to share this process because I am sure many of you are like me in this regard. One minor error, one failure to communicate and your self esteem is in the cross-hairs.
We forgive the people in our lives: friends, family, co-workers, significant others for same things we continue to beat ourselves up about. Something that "isn't that big of a deal" when done by others becomes seemingly catastrophic when we make that same error.
Alexander Pope's famous quote is "To err is human, to forgive is divine". Very true, especially, I believe, when we forgive ourselves.
Forgiveness Affirmation
I approve and love of myself, I am heathy, beautiful, loving, giving, I give thanks for all that I have and all that I shall be. I am open to all possibilities. I have abundance in all areas of my life,I begin again and again, to reinvent myself daily.
This week I am going to remember that when I make a mistake, I am being given a lesson in forgiving myself, and in doing so, I am given a tremendous a blessing.
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