Afro-Chic Lady's T-shirt - WHITE ($20.00 from Cymanthia83)
I really really heart this shirt: 100% cotton, Available in S-M-L (Larger sizes ARE available upon request.. nuff said!)
FRONT: 4 Afro-Chic images (Black, red, yellow, green)
BACK: "Strength and dignity are my clothing. Prov 31:25" (gold)
These last few items are from the same seller.. really love this shop!!

White Tee w/Large Black Swarthy Daisy Logo ($25.00 from SwarthyDaisy)
Comes in sizes S - XL (Site gives measuring instructions so be sure of your size!)

Swarthy Daisy Tote Bag filled with Natural Hair Kit ($80.00 from SwarthyDaisy)
Rather than list all the goodies that come in this kit (which will result in me drooling all over my keyboard and breaking it).... here's the 411 from the website:
The Essential Swarthy Daisy Natural Hair Kit is a wonderful addition to the Swarthy Daisy tote.
Tote Bag Contents: Spray Bottle, Detangle Comb (shower), Boar Bristle brush, paddle brush, satin pillowcase, processing caps, Denman Brush, satin cap, afro pick, three way comb, clip, duck bill clips, rat tail comb, ouchless rubber bands, turbie twist, large styling comb, bobby pins, and more! The first 4 natural hair kits come with a free hair cutting kit!

Swarthy Daisy One Inch Pin Back Button ......
More info from the website:
Fashion Button
1" Round
Pin Back
White with Black logo
Can Be worn on hats, clothing, bags, shoes, virtually anywhere!
The Price?!?!?
(I told you there was a twist!)
The first two readers to leave a comment will get a SD pin of their own!!! Best of Luck!!!
I WANT the Daisy Tee!!!! I love Afro Shirts...