Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Little [JULIETTE AND THE LICKS] for a Saturday Night

Today in Washington D.C., Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and a few thousand friends tried get themselves a paragraph in the story that is this country's history. To grab a piece of the light that is the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with their "Restoring Honor" rally. It is of my opinion that they did it in vain, as nothing possible could discount Dr. King's "I Have a Dream Speech". But bless their (very) little hearts for trying.

This week's "for a Saturday Night" song goes out to Glenn, Sarah and their posse. It's about someone they could all relate to. A real American..... Boy.

The land of plenty is the land of privilege
For your blue-eyed culture deprived American boy
You got your dicks in a twist and you're raising your fist
But your argument has been bought and paid for

American boy

So flex that corporate muscle with your media circle jerks
While you sell out humanity
ADHD, OCD, social anxiety
It's money baby!

You're pushing me
I'm pushing you
No rhyme or reason
Watch your television

You're pushing me

I'm pushing you
No rhyme or reason
Watch your television

Frat boys and military toys
All I see is white noise
With your pussy collection and your simple minds
I never knew tits could sell so many cars
And you fucking debutantes with your skin-flicks
What the fuck's the matter with you?
Gloss up your lips, Show us your tits
All for your fifteen minutes of nothin'
I just gotta laugh at you


  1. I remember seeing her on the Jimmy Kimmel show on Friday, and I absolutely loved her BLUE HAIR!!!!! Her music's pretty killer too. LOVE your vivacious blog!!!!!


  2. Thank you, Coily Mystic!! I am really enjoying your blog! I appreciate you stopping by the visit!
