Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bad-ass Bloggers (BaBs): Meet Simone of In This Moment Blog

Simone is one of my Pirate Sistren, so I am a bit biased about how bad-ass she actually is (And I will add it to the record today that when it comes to my Pirate Sistahs being bad-ass... I am an authority!). She is also an amazing human being, one who's wisdom I have benefited from for many years. When she began In This Moment Blog I was so happy to be able to share her vision and her thoughts and I couldn't think of a better fit for this month's BaBs: Bad-ass Bloggers.

What is the significance of the title of your blog In This Moment Blog?

As long as we experience having a body, there is the opportunity for deeper, greater, expanded insight. Even if it is the SAME insight over and over again, it is always fresh, because the truth of who we are is eternally fresh and present, in this moment! That is why I named my blog and my coaching, In This Moment, because that is where insight

What can visitors not familiar with your blog expect when they visit?

Insight - I have a passion for insight! I love busting the lies that we believe about ourselves in the form of judgments, limitations, self-hatred, as well as, self-aggrandizement. Seeing through the veil of those lies is INSIGHT into the truth of who we really are. When we see who we are, or more of who we are, we are blessed, healed and grateful. These are all ingredients of happiness.

In addition to blogging with conscious, you also are an exceptional singer/songwriter and Spiritual Life Coach Extraordinaire. Is there anything new you'd love to share on either fronts?

Thank you! People have responded really positively to my song, 'Recovery'. I'm working to shoot a video for it. So stay tuned for that! Regarding spiritual life coaching, I work with spiritual people who are looking to discover what their next steps in life are. It's a joy to connect with people in that way!

The tagline for your site is "Discover Peace & Love Within". Can you share with us any tips on how to be open to such discoveries?

Yes. Peace and Love is who we are in every moment. Be willing to find out how you have convinced yourself that you are other than, or separate from Peace and Love in any way. Be honest with yourself. Then, once you discover this false identity, be willing to let it go. Letting go can be quite a challenge. So the key is your willingness!

What has given you immense joy lately?

Wow - immense joy! I listened to the song, 'Optimistic' by Sounds of Blackness of full blast over and over last night. It made me SO happy!! Brilliant song.

Be sure to check out Simone at:

If you'd like to featured in a future BaBs posting, or want to suggest a BaB for me to profile, please click here to contact Miss Moon's Musings.

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