Saturday, October 2, 2010

Miss Moon's "Get One" Giveaway!!!!

I've posted about a few of the songs from John Legend's collaboration with The Roots, "Wake Up" on this blog so far, and I am so happy it's finally available in stores. I've known for a few weeks now that my latest "Get One" Giveaway would have to be the C.D.!! Hooray!!!!

I'm so happy that the sale of every copy creates money for Arts Education and supports all of the advocacy efforts of Americans for the Arts, as I'm a former Music Education major. I am a firm believer that exposure to The Arts enriches the lives of children and I'm super proud that in a small way, this giveaway will support this.

For a chance to win, you must:
  • Be a Follower of this blog [You can do this by clicking the "Follow" button on the left! Networked Blogs Followers are eligible as well!]
  • "Like" this blog over at the newly-created Miss Moon's Musings FaceBook Fan Page
  • Leave a Comment answering the question, "What is the most important song you feel every child should know by heart?"
  • Send me an email with your Name, Location, and your answer to the above question.
You have until October 15, 2010 at 11:59 pm E.S.T to enter. I will announce the winner the following week.


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