Monday, November 8, 2010

Miss Moon's Musing About: My UNEXPECTED Vacation!!

Me with my sexy I.V.
I have been in Brooklyn Hospital since late Friday morning, diagnosed with pneumonia. The last few days have been enlightening for me. The major lesson I have learned is not to hold off getting the necessary care you need.

I was super sick last week with what I thought was a cold. It was frustrating because when I woke up convinced I was ready to go back to work, I would lose my breath in the process. Thursday was the very worse, and I knew it was time to stop faking the funk, stop pretending this was not more than a tough cold and get myself to my local health clinic to get some medical care. I thought that worse case scenario, I had bronchitis... Imagine my surprise when the doctor I saw informed me that am ambulance was on its way to take me to the emergency room.

Picture taken from inside ambulance

After spending a little of 12 hours in the E.R.,I was admitted to Brooklyn Hospital, and settled into my room.

Now I have never had an extended hospital stay in my almost-33-years (tomorrow)since I was born, so the experience was an interesting adventure. I was released today, and am on bed-rest for the next five days, so this will be the last you will hear from me most likely until this week's Saturday Night selection.

I just wanted to post something to let you know what I've been up to and to say I missed blogging like crazy!!


  1. Oh no! Sorry to hear this. I do hope that you have a speedy recovery.
    Feel better soon!

  2. I hope you are better quickly! Take it easy when you get out of the hospital. It's going to take time to regain your strength. Big hugs!

  3. Get well soon. Don’t worry. After that, make some vacation plan and you will get relax.

  4. WoW... I have only been hospitalized twice when the kid was born and four years ago with my heart thing (now gone YAY) but being hospitalized is surreal, and you were admitted for a few days. I am sure it was difficult. I know that Miss F. C & M are taking care of you I am sengin you my love and positive energy
