Tuesday, March 8, 2011

DO SOMETHING: Rock the Red Pump... March 10, 2011!!!!!

People who know me may find it very hard to believe that once upon a time I LIVED in heels. In my late teens and early twenties, I was all about big clunky platform boots (3-4 inches high!) and can remember vividly running for the bus from Prospect Park (Think cobblestones... broken cobblestones) wearing 5 inch wedge heels (a gift from La Diva Elaine... I called them my Carmen Miranda shoes) without even stumbling.

In my mid twenties, I had a job at a clinic in an Acupuncture school that required me to be on my feet for several hours at a time... and after a few months of working there, I traded in my platform boots for more "sensible shoes". Two years later, I worked in a call center where sneakers became my uniform. Fast forward to today... I am 33 years old and I merely admire high heel shoes a la distance, as my feet hurt just looking at a pair.

Since I was on the cruise at the beginning of the year, I never blogged about my New Year's Resolutions for 2011, and now that we're in March, it seems silly to write them now. Suffice to say that one of my resolutions was to reacquaint myself with heels and to once again become good friends with "cute shoes". LOL

When I heard about The Red Pump Project and their yearly "Rock the Red Pump" campaign, I knew that this would be the best time to incorporate my resolution for a very very worthy cause.

The Red Pump Project™ raises awareness about the impact of HIV/AIDS on women and girls. Their mission is to promote HIV prevention through education, and open dialogue about the issues that surround sexual and reproductive health.

Founded in March 2009 by Luvvie Ajayi and Karyn Watkins, Red Pump believes that if HIV affects one, it affects us all. Using the red high heel shoe as a symbol of empowerment to represent the strength and courage of women infected (and affected) by HIV/AIDS. The incorporation of fashion into the message of HIV prevention is their contribution with the hope that everyone recognizes that Awareness is Always in Style!

National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is March 10th every year, and there’s a whole lot of talking and educating happening all over the country in honor. The Red Pump Project was born out of as genuine desire to get conversation started on the issue of HIV/AIDS and ask others to do the same.

So recognizing the powerful medium of the internet, they put out a call for bloggers to “Rock the Red Pump™."

The goal of this initial campaign was 100 bloggers, but over 125 bloggers responded and “Rocked the Red Pump” on March 10, 2009. And, in 2010, the numbers doubled to over 250 sites.

The Red Pump Project has grown from a social media campaign to a national nonprofit working on the ground and online to ensure that women are empowered with knowledge about HIV/AIDS and the issues surrounding it. This year, The Red Pump Project is asking bloggers to participate in the third annual “Rock the Red Pump™” campaign: 500 in 50. Their goal is to 500 blogs in 50 days, leading up to March 10, 2011.

I am proud to say that they have exceeded their goal.. receiving a response of over 700 Bloggers (Lovingly called, "Red Pump Rockers"). I am of course a very happy one in 700, and have proudly displayed the banner on my blog and will continue to do so until the end of the month.

In addition to this, on Thursday, March 10, 2011..... Miss Moon WILL BE ROCKING A RED PUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And on behalf of the women and girls who are living (and/or loving someone) with HIV/AIDS, I hope that all of you will consider joining me.

In the next two days, all of my posts will be "Red Pump Inspired", and I will of course take lots of pictures to share here and on the Miss Moons Musing Facebook Page. If you'd like to be featured in my post about "Rock the Red Pump™" day, be sure to share your pictures, along with who you're rocking red pumps for on Facebook or by sending me an email.

1 comment:

  1. Love this.  Hoping you are STILL Rocking Red anytime you feel the inspiration.  :)

    ~Fellow Red Pump Rocker
