Sunday, May 1, 2011

Be Blessed: (Semi) Silent Sunday - Part One

It's the very first day of May, and I always get super excited about this: the weather here in NYC gets a little warmer, and we finally embrace a more Spring-like environment.

Inspired by many many Bloggers who have incorporated Silent Sundays into their Blog postings (Most notably, Brittany from Clumps of Mascara), I thought it might be fun to incorporate such postings into Miss Moon's Musings for the month of May.

I love finding inspirational quotes and food for thought each week for my "Best Blessed" series of posts, and I wouldn't want to not do that for a month. Hence, Semi-Silent Sundays! LOL

The next few weeks in May, each Sunday will have a picture I've taken myself, accompanied with an inspirational quote. I hope you all will enjoy!

“ Expect to have hope rekindled. Expect your prayers to be answered in wondrous ways. The dry seasons in life do not last. The spring rains will come again.”

~ Sarah Ban Breathnach