Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Miss Moon's Musing About: The Fat Girl Flea Market 2011

Saturday my Mum, Sister and I headed off for a fun day at the Fat Girl Flea Market in NYC. I had attended a previous year, but for my familia this was their first time. Of course the place was a PACKED, so I unfortunately didn't get to take any photos while inside. I know, "BOOOOOO!!" :(

But we did manage to take some pictures outside of the venue (Held at the LGBT Center here in NYC), after we had shopped 'til we dropped!

Here are the bags of items my Mum and Sis bought!

The bags on the left belong to yours truly! (Yeah, I went crazy! LOL)

My Sister and I, chilling outside of The Center with our bags. I'm wearing the results of my first ever Bantu knot-out! It came out pretty well for a first try, though I am kicking myself for not taking a better picture...

... especially since I made a point to take a picture of my manicure for the week! LMAO This is OPI's Black Shatter polish on top of China Glaze's "For Audrey"... Love Love LOVE the combination!!!

Here's Mizz Lennid, my Mama... looking lovely! She bought the cutest knit poncho from the Flea Market - I have to take a picture of her rocking it!

My sister won "Score of the Day" by getting an $80 SUEDE jacket (With the Tags still on!!!) for TEN BUCKS!!!!!

All-in-all... it was a great day of shopping. If you're curious as to what I managed to get my (delightfully manicured) hands on, be sure to check out the Miss Moon's Musings YouTube Channel this week for my video about my FGFM haul, including these gorgeous Pink Fat Girl Flea Market shopping bags, modeled by the ladies below

I also managed to pick up a bag to give away to one lucky reader!!! To enter, you must be a follower of Miss Moon's Musings (On Blogger or Networked Blogs) and send me an email with your name and shipping address (US Applicants only at this time). I will announce the winner in my Haul Video sometime this week! Best of Luck!!


  1. Fat Girl Flea Market? I'm in love with the name alone. Gotta enter.

  2. I got one for you, too, L! Drop me an email! :)
