Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Little [AMY WINEHOUSE] for a Saturday Night

I wasn't going to post a "Saturday Night" song tonight. It was after learning of Amy Winehouse's death today, and feeling both saddened and infuriated by it, that I decided that I should share with you all one of my favorite songs of hers. I hope that while listening to "Tears Dry On Their Own" that you will all join me in sending Amy's family your thoughts and prayers, as I am sure they desperately need them now.

Rest in Peace, Amy Jade Winehouse
(14 September 1983 – 23 July 2011)


  1. All too often we see these young talents explode on the scene in a burst of fire and go out the same way. It's sad, so sad, when you think of the wasted talent.
