Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Little [NEW LOOK] for a Saturday Night

What's better than feeling in a nostalgic mood and discovering new music that fulfills that need? Those of you that have checked out the Miss Moon's Musing FaceBook page (If you haven't, check it out.. it's fun!!) will probably remember I posting this song last week. The first thing I thought when hearing it (and many I know have shared the same sentiment) was, "This is a NEW song?!?!".

This song gives me all kinds of Free-Style, 80's DOPENESS and I couldn't imagine a better song to shake my booty to this Saturday Night. I hope you all will join me in shaking away to New Look's, "Janet".

Don't forget to enter my giveaway to win a gorgeous blue vintage handbag from Ose (Uh-Seh)

1 comment:

  1. You wanna know why you feel nostalgic? It's because it's a cover of a Janet Jackson song...hence the Title of the song...

    The song she is singing is "He doesn't even know that I'm Alive" From Janet's Control Album...

    After the first verse I figured it out...
