Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bad-ass Bloggers (BaBs): Meet Te-Erika of My Savvy Sisters

It's been awhile since I've featured someone in my Bad-Ass Bloggers series, and I truly think that this remarkable woman is WELL worth the wait!! As publisher of MySavvySisters, Te-Erika is using her blog to motivate and uplift all who visit the site!

Te-Erika, for those unfamiliar with My Savvy Sisters, what do you want people to understand about the blog?

MySavvySisters.Com provides the resources, information and inspiration women need to survive and thrive in life. We profile the most amazing female entrepreneurs we can find and offer content that helps women understand their inner powers. We post news that is relevant to women and editorials that empower women to take action. We also offer survival give-aways that help women pay their rent, buy groceries, gas and other household items. Our blog is the type of place you visit when you need an attitude adjustment because you are feeling overwhelmed by life.

We also offer services like free mentoring, free emotional crisis counseling and we offer a platform for women to promote their individual causes. MySavvySisters.Com is for every woman who desires to stand up and move forward in life.

Last spring, you voluntarily became homeless and chronicled your experience rebuilding your life in your blog (which was covered extensively by The Huffington Post). What would you say was the most powerful life lesson you learned from your experience?

The most powerful life lesson I learned through The Rebuild Your Life Project was that- nothing is permanent. While we are in the midst of our struggle it may seem like we are stuck but we are not. No ending is permanent, no sad occurrence is permanent, no negative state of mind is permanent, unless you want it to be. My time as a homeless woman ended because I desperately wanted it to and I was willing to do the work necessary to make it happen. That is all it takes for any woman to change her situation, she has to have the desire and she has to make the decision to do it. After she does that, the windows of heaven open up and doors fly open to make room for her desire to come to pass.

I cannot imagine what it was like living on the streets for several months. Was there a moment where you felt tremendously low and found yourself lacking the strength to pull yourself up?

The majority of my time homeless was depressing. I put too much on myself by setting out to organize a job fair for homeless women and raise money for a rental assistance grant, not to mention making creative videos to post on youtube and reporting and researching on survival strategies for the homeless lifestyle- all while I was homeless myself. But I always do that, I can't seem to do anything in a small way, that's just how I am.

I will say that those moments of doubt and insecurity and frustration led me to produce a stunning series of videos posted on my youtube channel that speak to rising above the negative mind state that plagues women. Every time I experienced depression or spoke to someone who was hopeless, I immediately turned my brain on to figure out how to climb out of that horrible mental state and I made a video to teach other women the same thing.

Your experiences being homeless was the launching point for the Rebuild Your Life Project, which is an amazing empowerment outreach established to help women. Can you talk a bit about the project,and what it does?

My experience being homeless allowed me to teach women specific, detailed strategies to overcome an extreme loss. My hope is that by watching my videos, any woman who is settling for a less than lackluster lifestyle will be free to move forward knowing that I have just provided the keys to rise above any loss. By watching me lose and rise again, I hope that women will never fear failure again because they know that no matter what comes after taking a risk for their dream lifestyle they can and will rebuild their lives.

How do you hope the project will grow and help improve the lives of women all over?

The Rebuild Your Life Project is backed by my non profit, My Savvy Sisters, Inc. We strive to become the leading resource for the empowerment of women by offering them the financial assistance they need to transition to their next phase in life through rental assistance grants, emergency relocation assistance grants, scholarships and micro loans for women.

I am also moving forward with a jobs initiative to help Americans by asking big businesses to partner with The Rebuild Your Life Project to offer hiring events across the country to help ease the pressure of unemployment. Denny's Restaurants has already partnered with The Rebuild Your Project by organizing a hiring day where they offered a one day session of open interviews to South Florida residents for 14 corporate owed stores. I hope this catches on and other big businesses decide to show their corporate social responsibility by giving back to the communities that have helped them become successful.

To learn more about The Rebuild Your Life Project visit www.therebuildyourlifeproject.org

To learn how to stand up in the face of ANY situation visit www.mysavvysisters.com


  1. Great post!!!  What a courageous and fierce force.  I appreciate her...very inspiring  :)

  2. Yes!! I was so very happy and excited to feature her as a BaBs!!!
