Monday, June 18, 2012

Music Therapy with Miss Moon

Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.”
~ Arthur Somers Roche

" There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever."
~ Mahatma Gandhi

Worry is as useless as a handle on a snowball.”
~ Mitzi Chandler

Several months ago, I made the decision to end what was probably the most important relationship I've had in my lifetime.  And I have not looked back with regret yet. As a result of this breakup, I have been happier, and I have literally lightened up in the process.

Yes... I have broken up with my need to worry about everything in my life. When I thought very clearly about it, I realized that it was the best thing for me. And yes, it's scary, but what did worrying EVER help me to accomplish?!? Absolutely nothing. So, I've given worry the boot, and welcome opportunity, growth, and blessings in its place.

After a break up of this magnitude, I find it's always great to find a great love song to play, and when you are looking for love songs.... you can't do better than Stevie Wonder!

So I hope you all will enjoy today's Music Therapy with Miss Moon song pick, "Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing", and I hope that it will inspire you to put worry where it belongs... the curb!

Everybody's got a thing 
But some don't know how to handle it 
Always reachin' out in vain 
Accepting the things not worth having but 

Don't you worry 'bout a thing 
Don't you worry 'bout a thing, mama 
Cause I'll be standing on the side 
When you check it out 

They say your style of life's a drag 
And that you must go other places 
But just don't you feel too bad 
When you get fooled by smiling faces but 

Don't you worry 'bout a thing 
Don't you worry 'bout a thing, mama 
Cause I'll be standing on the side 
When you check it out...Yeah 
When you get it off...your trip 
Don't you worry 'bout a thing...Yeah 
Don't you worry 'bout a thing...Yeah 

Don't you worry 'bout a thing 
Don't you worry 'bout a thing, mama 
Cause I'll be standing on the side 
When you check it out... 
When you get it off...your trip 

Everybody needs a change 
A chance to check out the new 
But you're the only one to see 
The changes you take yourself through 

Don't you worry 'bout a thing 
Don't you worry 'bout a thing, pretty mama 
Cause I'll be standing in the wings 
When you check it out 

Don't you worry 'bout a thing 

Break up with worry today! Leave a comment with your "Dear Worry" letter! Be sure to mention what you plan on replacing worry with! :)

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