Friday, August 31, 2012

Miss Moon Gets Healthy... By Staying the Course!!

I find myself at a crossroads in my "Get Healthy" journey. On one path, I see myself the way I'd like to be if I continue on my journey: healthier, slimmer, more energetic, feeling loads better about myself. 

On the other path, I see the destination if I allow myself to give up my goals: I become the inactive, unhealthy, unhappy woman I was before I started on this journey. 

Regretfully, there will be no walking stats for this month, because I honestly did not walk. I managed to leave the house and walk briefly around my neighborhood for various errands each day, and I still manage to eat far better than I was.... but I haven't been giving it my all. The heat rash was a big reason, but I think that the main reason was fear of what will happen when I reach my goal. I've come to realized that being a big woman is so much a part of my own personal identity for myself that it scared me to see myself dropping the weight and getting smaller so quickly.

I know I have to get over this, because it's my health I'm doing this for... not for becoming some skinny minnie. I don't want the diabetes and high blood pressure and cholesterol concerns members of both sides of my family face. I'm discovering that this is the greatest motivation out there for someone like me.  

I am two sizes away from reaching my goal for 2012, and quite realistically, I can achieve this goal if I continue on the path I started at the beginning of the year. I kept it simple, and I reaped the benefits. 

So I promise to you all... Audrey is going to stay her course. She is going to walk.She is going to eat well, she is going to stay motivated, and come October, she will be sharing her September stats with all of you!! And I am going to need your help and support more than ever now!!!


  1. I struggle with those crossroads myself, and more often than I liked to admit I choose the road most traveled. Fear is only as powerful as we allow ourselves to give it....and we give alot of it to him.

    It's funny you posted this because I am in the process of posting a similar post. I have faith that you will break through have broken through so many other issues...issues that in my opinion were far worse than this. You can do this.

    When you reach the finish line, you know what you will find? You will find yourself.


  2. I know EXACTLY what you mean!!!!
    I need to give my all as well. We WILL accomplish our goals this year!

  3. It's so hard to feel motivated but we have to keep going. I know for me, my insanity workouts have fallen to the wayside because the summer is over and I've started back to work. I've been really vigilant about my food intake but I need the excercise. My goal next week is to workout somehow 3 times a week. Small steps. That's the goal. I literally don't of my journey in the long term...I literally say "what can I do for today." I don't even worry about the next day. It really is mental and so hard to keep up.! I hope I get to meet you next week!

  4. Aww Mama Moon you can do this!! Instead of looking at the finish line, look at the short-term goals like "today I will walk." Shoot, shorten it to "I'm taking this step, and this step, and I'm going to take another step." Smaller goals are less overwhelming than the big picture goal. Yes yes of course you need to look up every so often to make sure you're heading in the right direction, but don't get caught up in what you HAVEN'T done and why or how far you have to go. Instead get hung up on what you are going to do now. I will tell you from personal experience (and it is STILL a struggle) that when I started my own weightloss journey a few years back, I had a goal in mind, but I didn't focus on it. I focused on "I'm going to go change my clothes now." "I'm going to work out tonight before bed." "today I'm going to work out 20 mins instead of 40 because I'm tired." Each step leads you to victory. Just keep taking the steps and you'll get there sis!!

  5. You make a terrific point, Maya!! Thanks so much, Sis!!! ((hugs))

  6. You're absolutely right! I do focus on the big picture, which allows what needs to be done today to become obscured.

    Yay! As I said before, let me know the time and place and I will be there. Juanette should have my number!! :)

  7. Yes!! We can do it!! One day at a time!!!

  8. ((Big Hugs)) You have been such an awesome cheerleader during this wandering journey of mine, Vee! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!!!

  9. Yes!! You are right, J!! I can lick this thing!! Thanks, hon!!

  10. I noticed upon reading this post, in the "you may also like" section showed a post about rising above. Read it as a reminder :-)
