Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wanna Wanna Wednesdays... Suri's Yellow Tiffin Box

Whenever I watch the Hindi film "Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi" (which is quite often, I own and love the film), I always walk away from viewing it with two very unique (non-SRK related) cravings:

1) I always have a powerful yen for toast after watching that movie. Those of you who have watched it will know what I mean, that toast Surinder (Shah Rukh Khan's character) eats looks damn good!! Nice and crunchy!! Yummmmm!

2) I always... ALWAYS say to myself, "I want a bright yellow tiffin box like Suri has!!!" after watching the movie.

And since I can't get that exact piece of toast Shah Rukh is eating (Because, yuck.. it would be all moldy and gross by now, don't you think?), the tiffin box seemed like a craving I could (Hopefully) gratify with little difficulty. So I searched the seven seas (of the internet), and even ventured into several Asian markets in NYC in the hopes of getting my hands on one.

Sadly... I couldn't find a tiffin box exactly like Suri's, but I did manage to find one very very similar!!

This Three-tiered, latched tiffin ($21.25, Happy Tiffin) is the perfect "Yellow Suri" color I've been looking for, and you cannot beat the price at all!!! I think that with this little baby, come lunch time I will be singing "Haule Haule" like CRAZY!! LOL


  1. I guess I need to see this movie, too! Geez, I'll never catch up!

  2. If you can find me a yellow tiffin box in your hood, I'll get it for you!!!!

  3. Jessica from WisconsinNovember 1, 2013 at 12:16 PM

    Commenting on an old post here I know - but I've been searching hard for a yellow tiffin like the one in the movie as well! I've even tried India's Ebay site. One thing I noticed in the movie is that the yellow seems to be brighter in some scenes and faded in others. I'm wondering if maybe their prop people didn't dye a white tiffin yellow for this movie. Yellow was a theme color (you'll notice a yellow suitcase in the beginning of the movie,, a yellow car, and a yellow tiffin.)

    I really want one like in the picture still.
