Friday, May 18, 2012

Miss Moon Gets Healthy: With a NEW Way to Reward Herself!!!

At the start of my fitness journey, I would periodically give myself a little treat to reward myself for the hard work I've accomplished. The treat?!? A thick juicy bacon cheeseburger from Jake's BBQ here in Brooklyn. Sooo good! They're on Seamless Web, my Brooklyn friends... check 'em out!

When I would indulge in my treat, it didn't feel unsatisfying, but it also didn't make me feel great either, when I'm honest about it. I didn't feel TREATED... I felt a bit... guilty for doing something I felt was counterproductive to all I'm trying to accomplish. And I've always been a person who believes that good things should be rewarded, and if you choose to reward yourself with a burger, or cupcake, or WHATEVER food you love... I say more power to you!!

I just came to the conclusion that for me... my idea of a treat wasn't a burger. Sorry, Jake's! LOL What really brought home the message of my "A-Ha!" moment was a pin I spotted on Pinterest (That site is a great motivational tool for me, feel free to check out my boards if you haven't already! There's a whole "Miss Moon Gets Healthy" section):

When I saw this, I immediately thought to myself, "This is what I needed to read!!!". I promptly thanked the Universe for the sign that I was making the right choices for my life, and I vowed to pick different treats for myself to reward my workouts. 

And it's really worked out well for me! I'm slowing reprogramming myself to not equate unhealthy food with rewards. Because the way I see it... if junk food is a treat, what's healthy food?!? A punishment! And it really isn't (Except wheatgrass... I'm sorry, but Yecch! lol).

I've treated myself to an eyebrow waxing, those adorable new earrings from Dean + Gray, a new lipstick, and I had to take a moment to include my reward for April.... Do you remember my Quest for THE Bag 2011?!?!? Well......

Not my most glamorous photo, but I was just back from a walk and THE Bag was in the mail, so I had to snap a photo!!! LMAO

What better message that you're on the right path then something you've wanted for OVER A YEAR (!!!!) suddenly becoming a possibility!?!?!? I found it for a STEAL on eBay! And thanks to my wonderful mother (who accepts weekly repayment plans), it's MINE!!! And the feeling I felt when I put that bag on my arm.... was satisfying!!!!

And I looked at my Get Healthy path in a new light. I was tenacious enough to keep checking eBay for over a year until I found THE Bag.... Imagine how far I will go if I put that much zeal into getting healthy and losing this weight?!? I think I do... so let's see how far I'll go between now and next year!


  1. I love this! I need to try to reward myself a whole lot more. But I'm also trying to save money, so I will have to find something that is cost-efficient. Once I set foot into any store with the thought of "treating" myself to shopping, I end up clutching my bill and crying myself to sleep at night.

  2. LOL! I can definitely relate, Brittney. But if I can do it on only my Unemployment checks... you can do it, too! It's all a matter where you shop. Avoid Neiman's and head on over to Forever 21!! :)
