Bed-Stuy Farm Share and Hattie Carthan Community Garden have worked long and hard to produce "Eating Healthy in Bed-Stuy," a comprehensive community healthy guide that addresses the specific health epidemics in the community (diabetes and heart disease) and provides health tips and a directory of community groups working to provide access to fresh produce. We won an award for a pro-bono design work and the Art Director of Esquire Magazine is doing layout for the booklet. Once printed, the guide will be made available at our neighborhood health clinics, hospitals and schools. It'll be great; we just have to get money together for printing now.
Please make a donation at today to help us print this guide and get it in the hands of parents before the school year is over!
Thank you!
Bed Stuy Farm Share
Your Local Community Supported Agriculture Project
I love that. It is very important that we keep aware of our health. That is something I am working on right now.