Admit it: you have one, I have one... most of us have a Hair Curltasprohe Story. For me it was when I was still newly natural... I decided to dye my hair a bright vibrant RED. The color didn't take the first time, so I went out the next day and bought TWO MORE BOXES (!!!!!!) and promptly applied it to my hair. Suffice to say that my shoulder length hair became my earring length, as you can see in the photo below! LOL is teaming up with Pantene for a chance for you to win a $500 grand prize package by asking you to share your most embarrassing curltastrophes.
“This is a way for us curly girlies to let go of our curltastrophe moments,” says Michelle Breyer, president and co-founder of “My curltastrophe moment happened in college when I received a thio-based and lye relaxer combo. I had a chemical haircut and bald spots for almost 2 years! Let’s just say I always wore hats.” Check out other staffers’ curltastrophes in the video below!
Readers can take part in the ultimate giveaway with Pantene by telling us why they need a personal Pantene Curl Solution. Contestants are encouraged to send in their most embarrassing personal curltastrophe story and provide a picture (optional). Creativity and enthusiasm will be rewarded. Five lucky winners will receive a year supply of Pantene Curly Hair Series and a Flip video camera. Each prize is valued at $500.
To share your story (and for a chance to win!), visit
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