It's kind of funny. I have known that this moment was to come, but now as I write these words... I find myself filled with resistance. I guess this is the standard fear that comes with saying goodbye.
This will be the very last post of Miss Moon's Musings. It's been a fabulous six years, and I've been nothing but grateful for and continuously amazed by all the support you have given my rantings, ramblings and revelations!!!! From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!!
This will be the very last post of Miss Moon's Musings. It's been a fabulous six years, and I've been nothing but grateful for and continuously amazed by all the support you have given my rantings, ramblings and revelations!!!! From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!!
Everything ends, but this farewell I assure you is bittersweet, because I do have some good news for you...
That's right... I am starting a new blog!!! You thought I would just leave and ride into the sunset?!? No way!!! is launching June 9, 2015 (If you remember, that date is very important to me.) and (I hope) it will be everything you loved about Miss Moon's Musings and so much more! I'm so excited to be sharing this new side of myself with you!!
In the meantime, between now and June 9th, feel free to keep in touch with me on Twitter, FaceBook, Instagram, and even Pinterest (I'm a Pinterest junkie... I admit it)!!
In the meantime, between now and June 9th, feel free to keep in touch with me on Twitter, FaceBook, Instagram, and even Pinterest (I'm a Pinterest junkie... I admit it)!!
And if you have any questions, comments and/or suggestions, please feel free to drop me a line! I'd love to hear from you!
Goodbye for now, and..
Goodbye for now, and..