Cheris, your blog has the tagline, "the intersection of healthy eating, natural hair, and thoughts on life in general.". A lot of bloggers feel that not sticking to a particular box is a hindrance (I've never quite gotten that belief, between you, me and everyone who reads this!). Have you found it difficult to blog about a eclectic mix of subjects and still engage your readers?
Great questions. I've meditated on this often and continue to come up with the same answer. "I have to do me." And "me" would find that a bit constricting. Let me explain: I can remember when I first went natural, I was so gong-ho about "natural hair". It was a major topic online and in-person. Since then, I still love my hair and natural hair but I've grown weary talking about it as often.
Simply speaking, life is not just about natural hair. It's not just about healthy eating. Its about a multitude of things and balancing them, understanding and accepting them. And then living your best life with all of that.
Miss Moon, I honestly just go with what's in my spirit, put it out there and hopefully people will connect with it. And surprisingly they still do. I doubt that I will stay in a particular box. Lol.
One of my favorite features of your blog is your Monday “Good News” Affirmations. How important have affirmations been to your spiritual development?
Oh gosh. Extremely. I strongly believe that what you think and speak is a conduit of what your life will be and is. For me, the affirmations and quotes help drill in this fact. And keeps me centered & focused on thinking and speaking positive things because that's what I want out of life.
Your hair is absolutely gorgeous!!!! What are you present product staples?
Thanks Hon! Loaded question. I am currently working on using up all the products that I've purchased and quite probably will purchase some carefully picked products from new (to me) product lines to try. Oh, my present product staples?... Lol. Yes, I still can get side-tracked and sometimes caught up in pj-ism. Lol.
Leave in: MOP Organice leave-in conditioner. Love this stuff. It has never let me down.
Butters: Qhemet Biologics Burdock Root Buttercreme.
Oil/sealant: any good oil or oil mix.
Shampoo: love Jane Carter Solutions Hydrating Invigorating Shampoo.
Co-wash conditioners: Herbal Essences Totally Twisted.
The following are favorites that I always come back to in the midst of trying other things. Not sure if they qualify as staples or not. Deep conditioner: Hairveda SitriNillah Moisturizing Deep conditioner. Styling products: Darcy's Botanicals Madigascar Vanilla styling creme, Jane Carter's Twist and Lock.
Another favorite of Chocolate Orchid is your vast array of healthy recipes. I am presently working very hard to get smaller and ultimately be healthier. From smoothies to sammies everything to share with your readers are super yummy and healthy. What's a new favorite recipe of yours? What advice would you share will me and the readers of Miss Moon's Musings on how to implement more healthful foods in our lives?
Definitely my new fav is my Avocado Port Sammich. It's basically mashed up avocado used as a spread on top of a slice of sprouted bread like, Ezekiel brand. Next comes the baby spinach. Then I top that with some portabello mushrooms, red onions, bell peppers(red/green) that's been sauteed in Olive oil with 2 to 3 cloves of garlic. What can I say? I love garlic. I usually finish it with some Sun Fire salt. Himalyan Pink salt is another favorite of mine, but I believe Sea salt may be just as fine.

As far as implementing more healthy foods, I think the best thing to do is to add and gradually take away. Maybe start by adding salads, fruits and/or green smoothies. Be open to experiment with veggie or vegan dishes. Then take away or reduce the not-so-good, like coffee, cigarettes, pizza, chips or any other processed foods.
By the way, I'm not a full-fledged vegetarian or vegan. I practice being a vegan but I'm definitely not 100%. At this present moment, I can't foresee me ever becoming 100% but you never know. And I do remain open to the idea. What I do do is, mostly eat a vegan, non-processed diet. If I do have some processed food, I don't beat myself up about it. I accept it and move on. And yes, I do still enjoy lamb and a few other meats every once in a while. But I always buy grassfed, humanely treated, minimally processed, no hormones, antibiotics or other added crap. And am super-elated when I find a restaurant who does the same.
I do believe that you have to listen to your body and do and take note of what makes "your" body feel its absolute best. We are all individuals, uniquely crafted by God. I would never expect anyone or everyone to be exactly the same as me and would never want that.
Didn't I tell you Cheris was AWESOME!?!?!?
Be sure to visit Cheris at:
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